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Legal Document Store

We understand it, many times what you want is a template that helps you in your business and without further complications.

At G - LEGAL we endeavor our clients and we know that sometimes what we are dealing with is just a format, a document that allows them to do it yourself, that is why we have made available a series of documents that you can acquire in our store to save you time and money.

We remind you that these legal documents are not a complete replacement for personalized legal advice, but we know that many entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs and people prefer to do things on their own. To help, we have created a series of templates for common scenarios. Each template is delivered as a Microsoft Word document with directions on how to fill in the blanks.

In case the client has doubts about the content, they can call 7122-4499 , or write a email to .

If the client considers that these formats do not meet their needs at G - Legal we can talk and create a contract tailored to meet their conditions and needs.


In case of doubt about the business that the client is trying to carry out, you should consider seeking professional legal advice from a colleague you trust or better yet you can contact us to schedule an appointment and answer your questions.

Once purchased, you can use the template as much as you like. But you cannot share it with others or resell it.   


**** Important disclaimers! ****

Buying a template does not create an attorney / client relationship.

Your purchase is subject to our License Terms, Intellectual Property Rights

Reselling is prohibited.

By acquiring these formats, the client accepts, acknowledges and understands in a tacit way that there will be no responsibility whatsoever with the lawyers, the legal firm they represent, G - Legal, the website, their representatives or even third parties, thus releasing all penalties, civil, criminal, judicial or administrative responsibility to the aforementioned, and the client assumes such responsibility.


You can purchase the formats that are available in our store, following the pre-established process in our store, pay with PayPal or by bank transfer or money deposit. You can request this information through whatsapp at the number 71224499 .

Productos solo en español, si ocupa documentos legales en ingles le recomendamos ponerse en contacto.

Les recordamos que estos documentos legales  no son un reemplazo completo para el asesoramiento legal personalizado, pero sabemos que muchos empresarios, emprendedores y personas prefieren hacer las cosas por su cuenta. Para ayudar, hemos creado una serie de plantillas para escenarios comunes. Cada plantilla se entrega como un documento de Microsoft Word con indicaciones de cómo llenar los espacios.

En caso de que el cliente tenga dudas sobre el contenido podrá llamar al teléfono 7122-4499, o bien escribir al correo

Si el cliente considera que estos formatos no cumplen con sus necesidades en G - Legal podemos conversar y crearle un contrato hecho a la medida que cumpla con sus condiciones y necesidades.


En caso de duda sobre el negocio que el cliente esta tratando de realizar, deberá considerar buscar asesoría legal profesional de un colega de su confianza o bien mejor aún nos puede contactar para programar una cita y atenderle sus consultas.

Una vez comprado, puede usar la plantilla tanto como desee. Pero no puede compartirlo con otros ni revenderlo.   


****¡Renuncias importantes! ****

La compra de una plantilla no crea una relación abogado / cliente.

Su compra está sujeta a nuestros Términos de licencia, derechos de propiedad intelectual

Se prohibe su reventa.

El cliente al adquirir estos formatos acepta, reconoce y entiende de manera tacita que no habrá responsabilidad alguna con los abogados, la firma legal que representan, G - Legal, el sitio web, sus representantes o incluso terceras personas, liberando así de toda pena, responsabilidad civil, penal, judicial o administrativa a los antes indicados, y el cliente asume de manera tal dicha responsabilidad.

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San José, Costa Rica

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